Category: News
Houston Style Magazine: Yellowstone College Prep Pioneers A New Model for School Success
Houston, TX (August 13, 2018) – On Wednesday, August 15, Yellowstone College Prep will open its doors for the first time in what is a new, Texas Education Agency- approved public/private model designed to expand quality educational opportunities in Houston’s Third Ward. In the midst of a national dialogue over struggling school finances and failing…
Yellowstone College Prep Pioneers a New Model for School Success
Houston, TX (August 13, 2018) – On Wednesday, August 15, Yellowstone College Prep will open its doors for the first time in what is a new, Texas Education Agency- approved public/private model designed to expand quality educational opportunities in Houston’s Third Ward. In the midst of a national dialogue over struggling school finances and failing…
Houston Style Magazine: In the Midst of a Public Education Crisis, Yellowstone College Prep Builds on a Legacy of Educational Excellence in Houston’s Third Ward
Houston, TX, February 27, 2018 – In August 2018, Yellowstone College Prep will open its doors to serve students in the historic Third Ward community. As nearby public schools face a difficult future, Yellowstone College Prep provides families with a safe and academically-driven option for middle school students. The unique charter school model was approved…