Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Safety and Security Committee of Yellowstone College Prep will be held on August 8, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Introductions and Roles
- Confirm a quorum is present
- Review responsibilities of the Safety and Security Committee
- Review the Draft Active Threat Plan and discuss next steps
- Discuss plan for Staff Training and Presentation
- Discuss Active Threat Plan and additional revisions/updates based on state mandates
- Review the External Door Audit Findings
- Review the Partial Summer Audit Findings
- Review the Hazard Analysis Tool and Findings
- Review and confirm dates for Yellowstone’s Required Annual Drills
- Preview the SSP Team and the committee’s roles/responsibilities
- Discuss the current MEOP (Multi-hazard Emergency Operations Plan) and planned
additions/revisions - Review the plan for Yellowstone’s three-year security audit process and next steps
- Adjourn
This agenda was posted publicly to comply with the requirements of this Committee.