YCP Families,
This is week 9 of our online instruction and the final week of the school year! Here are a few important updates as we wrap up this shorter week:
Book Distribution (5th grade only): We are excited to announce the arrival of your child’s books through the My Home Library program of the Barbara Bush Houston Literacy Foundation. Before the school building closed in March, 5th-grade students selected six books to receive at no charge. Distribution begins Wednesday, May 27. Click here for more information »
Food Distribution: Food distribution will happen today, Tuesday, May 26, from 11:00 to 1:00 at our campus and through our bus routes. Be on the lookout for more information later this week about our plans for the summer.
Online Instruction: This will be a shorter week of assignments and is intended to provide final make-up work for students who are still working to raise their average. All work must be completed by noon on Friday to be included in our gradebooks for fourth quarter. Please work with your student to make sure they finish the year strong!
Teacher Office Hours: Teachers will have normal office hours for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. There will be no office hours on Friday so that we can wrap up the school year.
Plans for Next Year/Summer School: We will be sending a separate communication later this week with more information (and a survey) as we make our plans for this coming fall. In that communication, we will also share more about our summer learning opportunities.
Thank you for your continued partnership with us. We look forward to wrapping up this school year and preparing for the coming year! Please reach out to your grade level advisor or any other member of your student’s grade level team if you have any other questions. Have a great week!
The Yellowstone College Prep Team